Queen Selina
Updated: Apr 25, 2019
Updated: 4/17/2019 Extended Story
There once was a warrior princess named Selina. Selina was as strong and bold as she was intelligent and quick as a whip. She was brave, beautiful and athletic. She could hop a fence chasing down a loose fowl without messing up her Sunday best. She wore leather boots with everything she wore, even to royal events. Luckily her parents weren't that strict and let her find her own style as long as she looked presentable overall.
Her mother wasn't one to conform to what a traditional queen was to look and act like. Her mother, Queen Illia could hit a target with an axe from a yard away then turn around and charm the duchess from a neighboring territory over high tea.
Her future was uncertain as her parents passed in a tragic accident and she was set to inherit the kingdom in two months when she turned eighteen. It all started two years, three months and thirteen days ago.
There was a dreadful storm that flooded much of the surrounding lands. The rain pelted the stained glass windows of the castle like daggers in the night. Selina awoke from her sleep in a cold sweat. Her parents were due home in the morning but she has a sinking feeling something wasn't right and unfortunately this storm was contributing to that. She lay in bed staring at the tassel hanging from her canopy listening to the rain try to break it's way through the windows. There was a draft and she drew the covers up to her nose. The windows rattled as the wind howled.
She couldn't sleep because she couldn't stop thinking of her parents on their ship in this weather. It was supposed to be a quick trip up the river but no one saw this storm coming. She knew the storm was far too strong even for the sturdiest of ships. She became acutely aware of a small amount of warmth and reached over to grab her cat Luna and snuggle her. “Oh, Luna I hope everything is ok. I can't bear to think of mother and father out in this storm.” Luna purred and snuggle in but Selina couldn't shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong.
Night became day, day became night and Selina's worst fears came to light. The ship didn't survive the storm, nor did any of its passengers or supplies. At just fifteen Selina could not inherit the castle until her eighteenth birthday. Her Uncle was on his way to the castle to stand in until her eighteenth birthday.
Unfortunately Selina was wise beyond her years and had noticed her uncle had a fondness for the wine and she caught her parents whispering of his jealous rage more than once. He put little effort in hiding his desire to be king. Over the years her parents had tried to distance their selves from him but with no other living relatives she had no choice but to welcome her uncle into her home. Selina knew no matter what she could not trust this man but she couldn't ever let him know.
Selina didn't sleep that night, shortly afternoon her uncle arrived already slurring his words. “Niece, it's been so long. I received word of the tragic accident and came immediately.” He tried to look somber but he couldn't hide the gleam in his eye. She may only be fifteen but Selina had what many call an 'old soul'.
Her gut was rarely wrong and her instincts were almost animalistic.
She was in-tune to her surroundings and other people. It was something she learned from her mother. Being a queen who cared for her people she often had attune herself to other leaders, royals and tyrants.
She would watch her mother move with grace well keeping an eagle's eye and an owl’s ear as she worked a room. Keeping the peace among the many but always a friend of her enemy.
Selina was attune to the microaggressions her uncle displayed towards her and not naive of his lingering glare. She knew she just had to make this work for 891 more days and she was counting each and every one.
She spent the next two years attempting to avoid her uncle's leers and to keep him as appeased as she was comfortable doing. She heard on more than one occasion “why don't you wear a nice dress and bonnet or maybe some nice shoes.“ more of a statement than a question or “Why must you always wear those leather boots” “why don't you tame your hair it could be so pretty like the other girls”. Selina's hair was long and wild. Often times she would use fruits and flowers she found in the forest to turn it shares of purple, blue, and red.
Selina always smiled and thanked her uncle for his advice then explained that she is more comfortable in her own clothes and is quite happy not being just like the "other girls".
Her uncle released anyone who did not see him as the rightful king from their duties and brought in his own henchmen. They were no better than her uncle and would make comments like “why don't you smile more Selina, you're so pretty when you smile”. She knew one day that particular henchman would be the first to go. Until then her uncle was in charge and he didn't seem too keen on giving her kingdom back to her.
She was starting to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and feared she would never see the age of eighteen. Her people were suffering under his rule and she only had 59 days left before she could take her kingdom back. If she could survive that long that is..
She started training more than ever and sparing morning, noon and night getting ready for the battle that was sure to come. She got the finest fighting leathers and boots that were more like a second skin than a boot. With them she could move with the quickness and ease of a cat.
She chopped purple cabbage up and boiled it using the water to dye her hair a vibrant purple. She had one person she could trust. Her sparring partner Salvatore whom she's known since she was a child. His father was the royal blacksmith, they lived in a cottage on the estate.
Salvatore and Selina were born months apart and spent their lives hopping the palace walls and sword fighting through the forest. She knew no matter what Salvatore wouldn't turn on her and his family was smart enough to placate her uncle so they could keep an eye out for Selina. Their parents considered each other more friends than boss and employee. They mourned the loss of her parents together and swore to look after her.
One day after sparing when she was returning to her chambers to ready for dinner she came upon a conversation that she was never meant to hear. "Tonight! We must do it tonight at dinner! We're gonna get rid of that little brat once and for all!" she didn't need to see him to know where that drunken snarl came from. She recognized THAT slur anywhere.
"So tonight was the night huh? This is what I've been preparing for” she thought to herself.
Instead of changing for dinner she readied her own plot to end this once and for all. She wore her leathers to dinner and readied for the battle of her life. "This was it!" She cheered herself on "me vs twelve henchmen and one dreadful uncle."
Her uncle greeted her with "why can't you wear lace and a nice pair of shoes like normal girls". She shook it off and took her place at the opposite end of the table. She had a mission today, she couldn't get distracted.
Well everyone got settled she worked on switching her place setting with her neighbors in case the poison was on her plate or silverware. She even traded her goblet of water with another. Course by course she traded hers with one of the henchmen.
The first was easy she did it during grace. Then she traded her dinner well one less than graceful henchman followed his roll under the table and the rest looked on like a pack of hungry wolves.
Course by course she watched waiting for one of the henchmen to drop but each time they cleaned their plates. The clumsy one even used that roll he chased down to make sure he didn't miss anything.
She started to think she misheard them. Then Suddenly right before dessert her uncle got this hungry glisten in his eye. "Of course dessert!" she thought.
This was it she must find a way to switch her dessert and just then it hit her. "Of course!" She thought. Then with the grace of a princess she asked her uncle "Uncle, tell me again how great great grandfather conquered the kingdom?"
As her uncle strolled over to the large bay window that overlooked the courtyard gardens and the rolling hills the battle took place on over a century ago. His henchmen listened like the obedient dogs they were.
She made her way to the other end of the table and traded her dessert. She said a little prayer as she took her seat again.
This was it she thought as she heard her uncle come to the dramatic end of his story.
He turned around with the smuggest smile. Did he know? Did he see her in the reflection? Or could he really be that happy to kill her, his only living relative and niece.
She took a hesitant bite then another. She started to sweat a little, she carefully took another bite and looked a little pale. As she stopped to take a sip of water the rest gingerly ate their dessert.
Just then crash!
Her uncle fell face first into his dessert. She quickly grabbed her sword and beheaded the first henchman to reach for his and on her back-swing she took another head of one she knew would be trouble for her and who told her to “smile” one to many times.
She landed on top of the table with a single leap, sword held high glistening with fresh blood. "I am your queen! You will obey me or fall like the rest!" She roared. One henchman opened his mouth in protest, his head was rolling by their feet in one quick swipe. "You will protect me and protect this kingdom or you will be made redundant!"
One by one the remaining henchmen took a knee...
And that my friends is how Queen Selina took her kingdom back and how Solice of Veils entered the first of many centuries ruled by queens.
She was the most beloved leader until her death at the age of 98 when her own daughter became queen.
©️Terra Lent 2018
Original Story
There once was a warrior princess she was as strong and bold as she was intelligent and quick as a whip. She was brave, beautiful and athletic. Her future was uncertain as her parents passed in a tragic accident and she was set to inherit the kingdom in two months when she turned 18. Until then her uncle was in charge and he didn't seem too keen on giving it back to her.
She was starting to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and feared she would never see the age of 18. She started training more than ever and sparing morning, noon and night getting ready for the battle that was sure to come. She got the finest fighting leather and boots that were more like a second skin than a boot. With them she could move with the quickness and ease of a cat.
One day after sparing when she was returning to her chambers to ready for dinner she came upon a conversation that she was never meant to hear. "Tonight! We must do it tonight at dinner! We're gonna get rid of that little brat once and for all!" she didn't need to see it to know where that drunken snarl came from. She recognized THAT slur anywhere.
So tonight was the night huh? This is what I've been preparing for she thought to herself.
Instead of changing for dinner she readied her own plot to end this once and for all. She wore her leathers to dinner and readied for the battle of her life. "This was it!" She cheered herself on "me vs 12 henchmen and 1 dreadful uncle."
Her uncle greeted her with "why can't you wear lace and a nice pair of shoes like normal girls". She shook it off and took her place at the opposite end of the table. She had a mission today, she couldn't get distracted.
Well everyone got settled she worked on switching her place setting with her neighbors in case the poison was on her plate or silverware. She even traded her goblet of water with another. Course by course she traded hers with one of the henchmen.
The first was easy she did it during grace. Then she traded her dinner well one less than graceful henchman followed his roll under the table and the rest looked on like a pack of hungry wolves.
Course by course she watched waiting for one of the henchmen to drop but each time they cleaned their plates. The clumsy one even used that roll he chased down to make sure he didn't miss anything.
She started to think she misheard them. Then Suddenly right before dessert her uncle got this hungry glisten in his eye. "Of course dessert!" she thought.
This was it she must find a way to switch her dessert and just then it hit her. "Of course!" She thought. then with the grace of a princess she asked her uncle "uncle tell me again how great great grandfather concurred the kingdom?"
As her uncle strolled over to the large bay window that overlooked the courtyard gardens and the rolling hills the battle took place on over a century ago. His henchmen listened like the obedient dogs they were. She made her way to the other end of the table and traded her dessert she said a little prayer as she took her seat again.
This was it she thought as she heard her uncle come to the dramatic end of his story. He turned around with the smuggest smile. Did he know? Did he see her in the reflection? Or could he really be that happy to kill her, his only living relative and niece.
She took a hesitant bite then another. She started to sweat a little, she carefully took another bite and looked a little pale. As she stopped to take a sip of water the rest gingerly ate their dessert. Just then crash! Her uncle fell face first into his dessert. She quickly grabbed her sword and beheaded the first henchman to reach for his and on her back-swing she took another head of one she knew would be trouble for her.
She landed on top of the table with a single leap, sword held high glistening with fresh blood. "I am your queen! You will obey me or fall like the rest!" She roared. One henchman opened his mouth in protest, his head was rolling by their feet in one quick swipe. "You will protect me and protect this kingdom or you will be made redundant!" one by one the remaining henchmen took a knee.
She was the most beloved leader until her death at the age of 98 when her own daughter became queen.
And that my friends is how Queen Selina took her kingdom back and how Solice of Veils entered its first of many centuries ruled by queens.
©️Terra Lent
