Top Trumps; Friends Harry Potter, Star Wars & Wonders of the world Lexicon GO▶️
Updated: Nov 14, 2018

First up Top Trump
So keeping it real first impressions didn't have my dying to play this but I am a woman of my word. So here we are...
Now first impressions....
The name... seems to be a common comment from everyone who played. I get the name like trump card but that goes over a lot of heads, it's a trigger word for many now and it just doesn't really catch your attention or give you an idea of what your in for with the game its self. Catchy names and first impressions are critical and this one just flops when it comes to that.
Now I do like the different fandoms being represented. Unless it's your fandom you'll kind of feel meh about it. But, if it's your fandom and you and your friends love to geek out why not add it to your collection!
So you deal all the cards and everyone grabs their stack only looking at the top one first. This is like the card game war with stats.
The person to the left of the dealer picks what they think their best stat is. Everyone announces their equivalent stat off the card. For example the set of cards above if the person with "The one with the candy" card picks top trump rating they would lose the round to the "The one with Monica and Chandler's wedding" who takes all of the cards and puts them at the bottom of their stack. If there is a tie (or no stat available) you put those cards in the middle and read the same stat off the next card. Winner takes all the cards from the round.
Your goal is to get all of the cards so you go round and round and round until someone achieves this. Which can take a while but rounds are constantly going.
Now our favorite one was the natural wonders
With this one we at least felt like we were learning something. The decks are affordable so I would recommend this to parents to teach kids more about our natural wonders. We enjoyed the tidbits and to see what would beat what. It's a great way to learn about how the different mountains compare to each other.
This would be a great game to keep in the car or a purse. You need no space to play since you hold the cards and there's no discard pile. These would be perfect for waiting at a restaurant, long car rides or killing time waiting for an appointment. The carry case is nice and will withstand life in the bottom of a purse.
#cargames #cardgames #friends #starwars #harrypotter #toptrumps #naturalwonders #stats #fandom #rockyourfandom
Next up Lexicon Go

This one goes a lot quicker and we really had a lot of fun playing it. Great game for 2 or more players and makes you feel like you used your brain for a minute. The directions took a second to process but once you get the hang of it the game is quick and easy. Another one you can bring with you but it does need more space to play. The bag us canvas and will also hold up well when traveling.
Think rummy meets letters as I break this down for you...
First put all the tiles face down, shuffle them up, and draw 10.
Now someone yells Lexicon go! and everyone starts attempting to use all their letters one way or another...
You can either ....
Make a word
Add to another players word before, after or interjected but you can not shuffle the letters
Replace a letter, you must keep the swapped letter
Yell swap! and trade a letter with the draw pile. Before you can trade again someone else must swap a letter.
Now the things you CAN'T DO
No 1 letter words
No plurals
No proper nouns
No abbreviations and
No anagrams
Once all your letters are used you yell Lexicon go! and if all your words are correct you win the round. You need to win 5 rounds to win the game.
If you like word games, scrabble and testing your brain this is a 5/5